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How Much Sleep Does a Child Need?

How Much Sleep Does a Child Need?

How much sleep does a child need? The amount of sleep your child needs vary by age; you should ensure your child is getting enough sleep by following sleeping tips.

Speech Exercises for Preschoolers

Speech Exercises for Preschoolers

Language delays can be treated if they are spotted. Speech exercises for preschoolers can prove to be quite helpful in improving the language skills of children.

Signs of Leukemia in Children

Signs of Leukemia in Children

The signs of leukemia can be easily confused with symptoms of other diseases. By identifying these signs early on, leukemia can be diagnosed at an early stage.

How to Prevent Stretch Marks During Pregnancy

How to Prevent Stretch Marks During Pregnancy

Stretch marks are a natural result of the skin stretching during pregnancy. But you can prevent stretch marks with our methods shared here, like maintain a healthy lifestyle, drink enough water.

Grasping Development in Baby

Grasping Development in Baby

Grasping helps your baby to be independent. How does grasp development in baby happen in different stages and what can you do to help grasping development?
