Why Is My Period Early by Two Weeks?

From the onset of puberty, which typically begins at age 11 or 12, all women begin to menstruate. Menstruation continues until a woman reaches menopause in her middle age. During menstruation, the uterus sheds its lining, which results in blood lost from the uterus through the vagina. This shedding of the uterine lining occurs if the lining is not needed for a newly fertilized embryo—that is, it sheds itself each month the girl or woman does not become pregnant.

Menstrual bleeding tends to last from between 2 to 7 days. On average, 28 days will the length between periods; however, this varies from 24 to 35 days depends on different people. Because the menstrual cycle is typically regular, getting your period early can take you by surprise.

Why Is My Period Two Weeks Early?

Basic Causes

  • Young Age. Pre-teens and teens who have just started to menstruate may find that it takes several months for their periods to regulate.
  • Stress. Too much stress can cause your period to come early or even stop it altogether. Impending exams, boyfriend troubles, or a death in the family are just a few examples of situations that can cause enough stress to mess with your period.
  • Weight changes. Suddenly losing or gaining a serious amount of weight can alter your hormone levels and disrupt your period.
  • Contraception. When you take the emergency morning after pill after having unprotected sex, you will experience an early period. The morning after pill has also been known to cause irregular vaginal bleeding as one of its side effects.
  • Birth control. The artificial hormones in your birth control pills are designed to trick your body into thinking that it’s already pregnant—this is why you can’t get pregnant on the pill. If you’ve just started taking the pill and you happen to be on a pill-free week, you may find that you bleed during this period of time different from that of your usual menstrual cycle. If you stop taking the pill, the sudden drop in hormones may cause bleeding as well. Using a copper IUD has also been known to cause heavy bleeding and irregular periods.
  • Implantation bleeding. This can easily be mistaken for a period but it’s lighter than period. Implantation bleeding typically occurs a few days before a period. Women who keep track of their menstrual cycles will be able to monitor their pregnancies, since implantation bleeding usually occurs about a week after ovulation. Normal periods can begin with slight spotting and get heavier over the next few days. If spotting happens due to a pregnancy, it is likely to be accompanied by other pregnancy symptoms. The most accurate means of determining whether you are experiencing implantation bleeding is to obtain a pregnancy test.

Serious Causes

  • Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS). Having your period two weeks early could be attributed to a condition known as polycystic ovarian syndrome. Women who have PCOS release extra luteinizing hormones that increase the amount of estrogen and progestintheir bodies produce. Normally, females release the proper amount of luteinizing hormones, which help their bodies produce levels of estrogen and progestin that are conducive to ovulation. Women with PCOS experience an imbalance of hormone levels that can lead to longer, heavier periods or shorten their cycles with earlier periods and weight gain. Women who are sexually active should consider taking a pregnancy test if they are concerned about an early period, as pregnancies with PCOS tend to be complicated.
  • Miscarriage. Many pregnancies come to a natural end before a woman has even noticed that she missed her period. If your period is unexpectedly heavy, there’s a chance that you may have experienced a miscarriage.

Note: A little spotting is probably nothing to worry about; however, spotting that soaks all the way through your pad in a couple of hours may be a sign of miscarriage and requires immediate medical attention.

If you your cycle is constantly less than 21 days, or if you find yourself experiencing other symptoms such as heavy bleeding or pain, consult your doctor. Your periods could be signifying a hormonal imbalance or an underlying medical condition such as ovarian cysts or PCOS. Depending on your condition and its severity, your doctor may prescribe you medical treatment.

What Can I Do About Early Period?

Getting your period two weeks early once in a while is perfectly normal and should not be a cause for concern. There are a few simple lifestyle changes you can make that may help you regulate your menstrual cycle.

  • Relax. If you have a stressful job or a busy lifestyle, make sure to leave yourself time to de-stress at the end of your day. Anxiety places extra burden on your body and affects the balance of your hormones. Put your feet up every once in a while—it’s good for you!
  • Eat a healthful, balanced diet. Try not to gain or lose weight rapidly, as this can throw off the balance of your hormones and cause your period to be early or delayed.
  • Get plenty of sleep. During menstruation your body needs extra energy in order to keep your cycle healthy and regular.
  • Keeping track of your periods in a diary or on a calendar can help you determine whether your period is early and could assist your doctor in finding a pattern that allow a more accurate diagnosis.

Women who are experiencing period two weeks early or implantation bleeding with a pregnancy ought to monitor their bleedingbefore they consult a doctor. If the situation persists over several menstrual cycles, you should seek medical attention immediately. Implantation bleeding that looks similar to an early period should be monitored closely. Some women may go through implantation bleeding for the whole first trimester of their pregnancy.