4 Weeks Pregnant

image001In your fourth week of pregnancy some definite signs like missed monthly period, nausea, vomiting and hormonal changes will show up. Whether you know you are pregnant or not, this is a good time to confirm. Performing OTC (over the counter) pregnancy test or consulting an OB/GYN would be a great way to get it checked. The first trimester is very critical for the baby. This is the stage where baby’s heart, head, brain, spinal cord, bones, tissues, muscles and teeth start developing. It is really important for you to take precautions at this stage.

4 Weeks Pregnant—What Are the Symptoms?

The fourth week is the time when you get first intimation of being pregnant. There are enough signs that let you know about your pregnancy. With some hormonal changes and changes in diet, you will also experience tenderness in your breasts. Consulting an OB/GYN doctors at this stage is the best step to ensure good health of your baby. Around the time of your monthly period you may notice some light bleeding or just spotting which is called breakthrough bleeding. There is no need to panic about. This is perfectly normal but it is advised to get any bleeding examined by a doctor.

Other common symptoms of the fourth week pregnancy that can bother you are morning sickness and nausea. Some women may have severe vomiting, if you are also facing this, you should see your doctor as soon as possible.

4 Weeks Pregnant—How Does Your Baby Grow?

The fourth week is critical for pregnancy as it marks the beginning of embryonic development of your baby. Till the tenth week of pregnancy organs will start developing, until now the baby is of a poppy seed size. Some of organs will eventually begin to function from the fourth to tenth week of pregnancy. A four week embryo has two layers – epiblast and hypoblast. All the organs of the baby develop from these two layers. Placenta at this early stage of development is also made of two layers. It creates space for blood to flow and be able to provide oxygen and nutrients to your baby. Amniotic sac is present which will house your baby and amniotic fluid will cushion her. Until placenta is developed to do its duty yolk sac will produce red blood cell for your baby and make a way to reach nutrients to her. Due to this critical development the baby is vulnerable to any interference that can hinder her development.

If you want to have a vivid picture of how your baby grows at 4 weeks pregnancy, you can watch the video below:

4 Weeks Pregnant—How Does Your Life Change?

To get more accurate results about your pregnancy you should test a week after you expect your period. When your pregnancy test comes positive, you should see your doctor and take appointment for first prenatal checkup. In most of the cases doctors don’t call you until you are in your eighth week. For ladies who had problems with their previous pregnancies or showing some symptoms, they should consult doctors immediately. At this time it would be safe to first get your doctor’s recommendation for any over the counter medication your are using. There are chances that they can no longer be safe for you.

What Should I Plan for 4 Weeks Pregnancy?

Sometimes the home pregnancy test shows a negative result and your monthly period is late. It is better to wait for a week to test again. It is normal for some women to produce enough of pregnancy hormone to be detected after 2- 3 weeks of missed period.

Fourth week is the time when you will begin looking for a health care provider, doctor and midwives. You can meet them and ask questions to decide whether to take further appointments with them or to look for someone else. You can also make decisions where you will be comfortable to have your baby.

What About Diet at 4 Weeks Pregnancy?

  1. Have Small Regular and Healthy Meals

It is really important to eat healthy when you are pregnant. During fourth week, it can be difficult when you are suffering from morning sickness and facing difficulties in putting anything down. But having small regular and healthy meals with lots of fluids will help you to fight nausea that might be bothering you now. Gradually, when your stomach is more settled, shift to nutritious and well-balanced meals.

2. Fresh Fruits and Vegetables

Fresh fruits and vegetables should be included in your daily diet. Treat yourself with a variety of starchy foods like chapattis, rice, whole grain bread, potatoes and pasta. Foods rich in protein like lean meat, eggs, pulses and soya nuggets and dairy foods like milk, cheese and curd should also be included in your daily diet.

3. Take Plenty of Fluids

In addition to healthy eating you should be taking plenty of fluids. It is recommended to drink around eight to ten large glasses of water everyday. Other than water, you can add lime or mint in chilled water, skimmed milk, coconut water or banana shake. It is very harmful for the development of your baby if you consume alcohol.

4. Limit Fried Foods and Use Plain Oils

Pregnancy also comes with emotional eating, and let you indulge in high calorie foods. For the first 2 trimester you do have to over eat. Limiting your deep fried foods and using plain oils in cooking are healthy options.

Pregnancy is the right time to start eating healthy and nutritious that you and your baby need.

What About Exercises When You're 4 Weeks Pregnant?

If you have regularly exercised before pregnancy you can continue doing that but with some alterations that your doctor and fitness expert will guide you. It is better to avoid exercises that involve leaping, jarring, bouncing and sudden changes in direction. Such exercises are prone to injuries. Exercises that require lying flat on back are good to do at this stage. These exercises should be discontinued after first trimester. Fitness experts suggest a pregnant woman should get at least moderate intensity aerobic activity of 150 minutes each week.

It is extremely important to take utmost precautions and limit your exercises if you had a previous miscarriage or if there is any risk or complication in your pregnancy.

More Tips on 4 Weeks Pregnancy

You should be stopping all your negative habits like drugs, medications and alcohol immediately. You should discuss your symptoms and uneasiness with your partner, and this will help your partner to understand what you are going through. Building a support group will help you with emotional, hormonal and physical changes your body is going through. For first pregnancy having a support system is really important. It is good to check with your medical insurance and know what all is covered.