Statistics show that about 15-20% of pregnancies end in miscarriage, most of which happen before the 20th week. The actual number can be higher because a large majority of women experience miscarriages before they even know they are pregnant. It seems like a heavy period but is in fact a miscarriage. The chances of having a miscarriage decrease once a heartbeat is detected by Doppler stethoscope. For those who do experience this tragedy, read on to find support helping you get through it.

Symptoms of Miscarriage at 4 Weeks

Statistics show that between 22% and 75% of healthy women most often miscarry when they are 3-4 weeks pregnant. You are at a higher risk at this stage mainly because there are chances that implantation may fail. For pregnancy to proceed, it is important for a fertilized egg to implant itself into the uterus. If the egg has already implanted at this stage, you usually do not need to worry about miscarrying.

Certain signs can indicate a miscarriage, for instance, you may have lower back pain, pass clots, notice spotting that may lead to heavy bleeding, and have bleeding that may last for a week or more. Some women may experience severe cramping at this stage. In addition, you may experience breathing problems. You may also have a slimy vaginal discharge

Keep in mind that these symptoms do not always indicate a miscarriage, but it may be a threatened miscarriage and the pregnancy just continues after that. And, you will need to go for progesterone treatments to reduce the risk of miscarriage.

Possible Causes of Miscarriage at 4 Weeks

Now you know the symptoms, you may want to know exactly what causes this problem. This may happen due to the following reasons:

  • ŸChromosomal Problems: Almost half of all miscarriages happen due to chromosomal problems. You should automatically assume that you have chromosomal issues and the problem will reoccur. There is an increase chance of eggs with chromosomal abnormalities recent years. Talk to your doctor about it.
  • Maternal Conditions: Several conditions of the mother can cause miscarriages such as infections, uncontrolled diabetes, severe trauma, thyroid disease, endometriosis, and hormone issues. Besides, you may end up dealing with a miscarriage if you are overweight or underweight.
  • Lifestyle Issues: If you use illicit drugs, smoke tobacco, or drink alcohol, you are more likely to have a miscarriage at 4 weeks. Drinking caffeinated beverages (200 mg or more) a day increases your risk of miscarriage.
  • Consecutive Miscarriage: If you have had two or more consecutive miscarriages, you have a higher chance of having another miscarriage in the future.
  • Factor V Leiden: This refers to blood clotting genetic mutation that increases your risk of experiencing a miscarriage.

Real Experiences from Other Moms

1.      Miscarried at 4 Weeks 5 Days

"My miscarriage occurred when I was 4 weeks and 5 days pregnant. It began with a severe lower back pain. Then, I noticed brown spotting, which turned to bright red within 24 hours. I also experienced cramps and passed clots as well. There was a feeling of heaviness in my pelvic floor. I knew it was not like regular period since I had a pregnancy test just 5 days before my miscarriage. I bled for 10 days and had my next period 5 weeks after my miscarriage. I believe every woman experiences a miscarriage differently. About 30% of women experience spotting during pregnancy and about half of them face no trouble with pregnancy at all. It means spotting alone does not indicate a miscarriage. I also searched that some women experienced symptoms like low back pain, cramps, feeling of heaviness, and bright red bleeding."

2.      Waiting for the Results

"I am now 5 weeks 2 days and having back pain, cramps, and other similar symptoms associated with a miscarriage. I have 25 in hCG beta blood work. Then I go to see my doctor after I start bleeding this morning and my doctor thinks it could be a miscarriage. She is redoing my blood work to confirm. Still awaiting results!"

How to Deal With Miscarriage at 4 Weeks

1.      Wait It to Finish Naturally

You need to understand that you cannot do anything to prevent a miscarriage once a pregnancy has actually ended. You need to talk to your doctor to know the best way to cope with this situation. If your pregnancy has ended, you may choose to wait for a miscarriage to occur naturally. It may take up to a week for a miscarriage to complete, but a missed miscarriage can take longer to begin naturally.

2.      Take Some Medications

You can also decide to take medications that will help your miscarriage to take place early. If it is an incomplete miscarriage, it may take about 6-8 hours to complete. You need to bear in mind that the medications may have certain side effects, such as vomiting, nausea, fever, chills, and diarrhea. It may take a few hours before these side effects go away completely.

3.      Manage Your Grief

It can be quite a traumatic experience to deal with a miscarriage. You may have made many plans that your miscarriage will spoil. It is obvious to have feelings of grief and loss. You need to think positively and think about other options. You may consider waiting a few more weeks before trying again or you can try whenever you feel ready. You can even contact the counseling service at your local hospital and understand what steps you can take to prevent a miscarriage in the future.