When you have had a miscarriage, you will probably be waiting for the time you are going to have the period. You might be eager to try to get pregnant again, just after having a miscarriage. When your period resumes after this ordeal, it’s an indicator that your health might be getting back to normal and you will recover fully in a few days. The most important thing that rings in the mind of most women who have had miscarriage is when the period will return and how it will be when it arrives.

When to Expect Your First Period After Miscarriage

Mostly when you have a miscarriage, you will tend to bleed for a wholemonth, or do not bleed at all for several months. The next menstrualcycle depends mostly on the condition of your body after miscarriage. Most women will tend to experience light or heavy vaginal discharge regularly after the mishap. The bleeding sometimes goes away and returns later; however, no one should assume this to be a normal menstrual period bleeding. We could say that it’s the cleaning process of your body after miscarriage. In addition, there are certain body factors that need to be normalized. For instance, the hCG levels are high due to pregnancy, so it certainly need to go down to zero after losing the fetus; the estrogen levels should also be at certain threshold value.

To put this clearly in simple terms, you should have twenty consecutive spotting-free days after bleeding caused by miscarriage. If you experience any bleeding period after this 20 days, it will probably be the real period. This normally comes at about 4 to 6 weeks after the miscarriage.

What Will Your First Period After Miscarriage Be Like?

This period will be heavy as compared to the normal light periods that you usually get, and may be accompanied by severe cramping. However, severe cramping may not be evident in some cases during menstruation. Blood clots can be experienced and the period lasts for about 4 to 7 days, but it does not apply to all women since it is individual specific. Also, there is a great difference between the first period after an abortion and the first period after a normal miscarriage. Due to this aspect, it can prove to be very difficult to foretell how it will be, or what characteristics could be when it arrives as well as how long it will take. You cannot afford to assume anything and compare yourself to other women, when you see or experience some severe cramping or bleeding, it’s advisable to see the OB-GYN immediately.

How to Handle Emotional Upheaval While Waiting for Your First Period After Miscarriage

Normally, women will tend to have emotional upheaval especially after losing their pregnancy to miscarriage. This could be devastating sometime, but you can handle it quite perfectly with the following essential tips:

1. Embrace Your "PMS"

Miscarriage can be quite an emotional ordeal, considering how prepared you were to meet with your baby and how far along you have come to miscarry. You will notice the so called “PMS” symptoms, e.g.crankiness and moodiness, which become eminent at this period. You may find yourself extremely moody one day after having a miscarriage, and think the time should have come for menstruation or have your usual period, even you may go to confirm at your calendar. The “PMS” shows us the truth, but most of us tend to refuse to take in these truths that actually cause most of the symptoms of PMS.

2. Talk to Your Body

This is very important, we can urge our body to have a period after a miscarriage. You may be actually resisting this truth emotionally and allowing emotions on your part to hinder the onset of your period. Start engaging your body and talk to it. Rub your belly and uterus with coconut oil, and try to let it know that it had done such a good job on its part and you are happy with it. 

It is important that we learn to embrace our body during such a circumstance, keep it authentic and honest as well, especially when you are conversing with your body. You can devise and find the best way to thank your body for all that it has done and the continued efforts. You can do a great deal in letting it know that it can start the period even after the miscarriage. Your body listens to you as long as you are mindful of what you say.

3. Watch Your Dreams

Lastly, watching your dreams before your period starts would be a great time to stay strong both physically and mentally, especially after a miscarriage. You will actually find that your dreams are clearer. You can routinely write down your dreams every time and try to find out anything that could be coming up to help in this essential journey. You can do it every morning and eventually, you may see a sense in them; some may try to justify or clarify your fears as well as your desires.