image001Your child is almost a year old, and they have changed a great deal in the past 10 months. Your child is probably moving around on their own and developing a sense of independence. They may even be developing the words they need to communicate with those around them. As your baby develops more of a sense of individuality, caregivers can continue to stimulate and encourage healthy development.

How Is Your 11 Month Old Baby Developing?

1. Body Growth

You should focus on your child’s weight rather than their height when checking growth. Height is determined by genes, but your baby’s weight will help you learn if your baby’s digestive system is working properly and they are absorbing the nutrients they need. Here are the WHO child growth standards for a 11 month old baby: the average height for boys is 74.5 cm, and for girls is 72.8 cm; the average weight for boys is 9.4 kg, and for girls is 8.7 kg.

2. Physical Development

By 11 months your child should be able to move around if they hold onto furniture or your hands. Some may even be able to try standing on one leg or on their own, and some will start exploring by climbing on items within their reach. You will need to watch your child carefully and keep furniture in a position that does not make it easy to climb so that they do not get hurt. Your child’s hand-eye coordination is developing, so they will be exploring around them, opening cupboards, examining objects or taking their toys apart. Items like stacking cups will be perfect to amuse a child with these interests.

3. Communication Development

At this time children start to develop a sense of individuality and will try to hold their own in conversation. Your child may try to respond to questions, even if they are not capable of making a response you will understand. Make the effort to point at objects and name them to help your child start developing their vocabulary.

Watch this video to learn more about an 11 month old baby’s development:

How to Take Care of an 11 Month Old Baby

1. Feed Your Baby Properly

You do not need to wean if you are still breastfeeding, especially if your child is not accepting a bottle. Just be sure to continue providing breast milk or formula since your child is not yet ready for dairy. Your child should be able to feed themselves and should be able to eat snacks like fruit, dry cereal or crackers. Try different flavors at mealtime to develop your child’s palate. Do not force picky eaters to finish their meal. They will need to learn to decide when they are full so that they will not overeat as they get older.

2. Understand Their Sleeping Patterns

Your baby should have a regular sleep pattern at this point which includes two sleeps during the day. You may find that it is easier to settle them down for a nap in the morning, but your child’s afternoon nap may vary based on what is going on in your household.

3. Safety Always Comes First

Installing baby gates can help keep an active child safe. Keep them away from furniture with sharp edges and use child locks to keep them from climbing into drawers or out doors and windows. Keep close to your child when they are near water, including the tub or toilet. Keep items away from the edge of the counter so that they cannot pull it onto themselves, and lower the mattress in their crib so that they cannot climb out unsupervised. You should move potentially poisonous substances up high or lock them away. Keep emergency contact numbers nearby, so you can get help from Poison Control if your child ingests something they shouldn’t.

4. Pay Attention to Their Health

Your baby will be spending a great deal of time on the floor, so you want to keep this area clean. Wash your baby’s hands before they eat to help prevent them from getting an infection or spreading germs. You should also avoid blowing on their food to cool it or kissing them on your mouth as this can transfer bacteria.

5. Know Why Your Baby Has Bowleg When Walking

It is common for children to have bowlegs until around the age of two, particularly if this is common in your family. As your child’s muscles develop and they gain more strength, their legs will naturally straighten. If you are worried, you can talk to your doctor about your child’s bowlegs to determine if physical therapy is necessary.

6. More Tips for Babies’ Development in This Month



Talk simply, talk often

Start pointing at objects and use simple words to identify them, so your child will start to learn these terms. Use your baby’s name often, so they begin to recognize it as their own.

Listen and respond

Listen when your child makes “talking” noises and repeat back any real words they might say. Talk back when they make noise to start teaching the idea of conversation.

Read to your baby

Talking together and reading nursery rhymes, stories or singing songs can help your child start learning to talk on their own.

Encourage moving

Movement helps your child develop their muscles so that they will be able to crawl, stand and walk. Start making your home safe as these milestones occur.

Play with your baby

Toys like blocks, crayons, cardboard boxes or paints can stimulate creativity for a child. Just be sure to be prepared for the mess these toys can make. Playing outdoors is also a good choice.

Choose suitable toys

Toys like sports equipment, phones, swings or walkers can help to develop physical skills and hand-eye coordination.