Brown Discharges After Intercourse: Is It Normal?

Vaginal discharge is normal in most cases. Your vagina produces different types of fluids that may discharge after sexual intercourse. This usually means your sexual organs are functioning properly. However, you need to understand that vaginal discharge may indicate a sexually transmitted disease or another type of an infection. You have to pay attention to the odor, color, and consistency of this discharge to determine if it's normal or you need to see your doctor. 

Is It Normal to Have Brown Discharge After Sex?

It is usually not a worrying sign. Here are some of the reasons why you may be noticing brown discharge after intercourse.

1.       Expelling of Old Endometrial Cells

The brown discharge usually indicates old blood expelling itself. If you have noticed brown discharge, this indicates endometrial cells from the previous month that your body could not eliminate completely in your last menstrual cycle. Your body may start to expel these cells just about any time. It may happen after sex, before sex, or during sex. You should not worry about it unless the amount of discharge is enough to fill a pad within an hour. Consult your doctor to identify the underlying cause.

2.       Ovulation

Sometimes, uterine cells will slough off before you ovulate, and you will also notice the color of your discharge becoming darker. This ovulation spotting usually occurs right before or during ovulation and usually happens in the middle of your menstrual cycle. It may appear as pink or brown spotting. Some women also notice egg-white type cervical mucus with brown discharge.

3.       Implantation

Brown implantation bleeding sometimes accompany with attachment of the embryo. You notice brown discharge mainly because your blood from minor vessels accumulates in the cervix and then find its way out through the vagina. You may also have pink discharge, which means your blood is diluted with mucus.

4.       Stress

Stress can change the color of vaginal discharge in many women. You may find yourself under stress due to a change in emotions and use of substances, stimulants and alcohol. Malnutrition may also cause stress and disturb the process that takes place during ovulation. Moreover, stress hormones can have an impact on the sex hormones that may affect your menstrual cycle and leads to brown discharge after sex.

5.       Birth Control Side Effects

If you are on birth control pills, you may sometimes notice a brown discharge. This happens due to hormonal changes caused by birth control pills. The regular use of these pills leads to the thinning of the lining and makes it to shed erratically. Similarly, you may notice a change in your vaginal discharge if you miss birth control pills. A dark brown discharge may be the outcome of taking an emergency contraceptive pill. Some women notice brown discharge when they use intra-uterine devices. The discharge may continue for a few months and is sometimes the outcome of damaged endometrial lining.

When to Worry about Brown Discharge?

As mentioned already, vaginal discharge is completely normal in most cases. However, you may go see your doctor if you notice other symptoms along with noticing brown discharge after sex. You should bear in mind that brown discharge is not always normal and may well be a sign of other diseases such as pelvic inflammatory disease (PID), cervical cancer, menopause, or sexually transmitted diseases, such as Chlamydia, gonorrhea, or vaginal warts.

Just keep in mind that you will notice other symptoms as well when your brown vaginal discharge is not a leftover of endometrial cells. Some of the symptoms include itching, frequent urination, vaginal dryness, odor in discharge, dysfunction uterine bleeding, pain with intercourse, burning, rash, loss of appetite, and mouth ulcers. You should go see your doctor immediately if you notice these symptoms along with brown discharge.