image001 It is normal for women to experience a bit of vaginal discharge which begins a year or so before puberty and doesn’t end until after menopause. The quantity of discharge will vary from person to person and depend on the time in their life. Most of the time it will become heavier immediately before your menstrual cycle and it is usually creamy, white, or clear. Although it can smell musky, it won’t have an unpleasant odor.

Most pregnant women will experience an increase in vaginal discharge during their pregnancy, it may be white creamy discharge which can be a sign of pregnancy. Besides this, you should pay attention to it and let your doctor know if it looks or smells unusual or if it is accompanied by soreness, itching, or pain in your vaginal region. This may indicate an infection such as thrush which your doctor can easily treat.

Is White Creamy Discharge a Sign of Pregnancy?

In some cases, a vaginal discharge that is white and milky in nature is considered the first sign of pregnancy. Many women who are pregnant will notice that the amount of milky, white cream discharge increases and this is completely normal. It is known as “white flow” or leucorrhea and is usually completely odorless or with only a very mild odor. Anytime that you notice more discharge than normal and think you may be pregnant, consider taking a pregnancy test.

Look for more information about vaginal discharge during pregnancy? Check out the video below:

When Is White Creamy Discharge Abnormal?

In some cases, vaginal discharge may indicate a problem or abnormality. Anytime that it changes in appearance, this may mean that you need treatment. Additional reasons to contact your doctor include if the discharge is:

  • Curd-like and thick
  • Frothy, green, or yellow
  • Watery and gray or white
  • Fishy smelling and unpleasant

You should also contact your doctor if you are itchy, sore, or have pain during sex or urination.

Your doctor will consider your symptoms and decide whether there is a problem, with some of the common possibilities being trichomoniasis (a parasitic infection), bacterial vaginosis, or thrush. It is always crucial to receive treatment right away as some infections may increase the risk of premature birth or miscarriage. Although thrush isn’t normally a problem for your pregnancy, it tends to be unpleasant.

Always talk to your doctor if you notice brownish discharge. In some cases this indicates light bleeding or spotting. It is common during the early stages of pregnancy but should still be checked by your doctor.

How Can I Deal With White Creamy Discharge?

You need to understand that an increase in discharge is normal and temporary. The best way to deal with it is by changing your underwear frequently or using unscented panty liners. It can also help to try the following:

  • Never use vaginal deodorants, perfumed bubble bath, or scented wipes
  • Always use unscented soap with water when you wash
  • Make sure your vulva (the outer genital area) is always clean and dry

Avoid rinsing out your vagina by douching it as this will upset your body’s natural bacterial balance and may end up irritating your skin. In most cases the vaginal discharge will be quite acidic allowing the natural antibiotics and good bacteria to protect you from harmful bacteria. Anytime that you upset this natural balance (such as by douching), it may lead to inflammation or an infection.

How to Prevent Vaginal Discharges Caused by Infections

Sadly there is no solution that will always prevent you from developing vaginal infections. The fact that you are pregnant will increase your chances of developing thrush. Despite the lack of a perfect solution, following tips can help reduce your risk of infection during pregnancy greatly. Here are some things to keep in mind as well as advice to follow:



Put away scented items

Never use scented panty liners, vaginal washing products, or vaginal deodorants. Some women will also experience vaginal irritation if they use regular (unscented) party liners every day, so pay close attention for possible symptoms.

Wash underwear carefully

When you wash your underwear, be sure to use non-biological detergents. You should also consider adding on an additional rinse cycle after you wash your clothing as this can prevent the detergent from irritating your skin.

Take baths

Never use antiseptic liquid in your baths. Similarly avoid taking perfumed bubble baths or using scented soaps.

Wash hands

Always be sure to wash your hands very thoroughly both before and after you touch your genital area.

Keep it clean

Always ensure that your vagina has sufficient lubrication before you engage in sexual activity.

Choose cotton clothing

In terms of clothing, stick to cotton underwear and opt for skirts or loose trousers.

Wipe it properly

After you use the bathroom, always wipe going from the front towards the back.

Quit smoking

Smoking is not only harmful to your future baby, but it can actually increase your risk of developing a bacterial vaginal infection. Because of this, it is crucial that you quit smoking during pregnant.

Eat live yogurt

You can also try to have some live yogurt every day. This food contains lactobacillus acidophilus which is a probiotic. This probiotic may be able to help you maintain a healthy bacterial balance within your vagina. Although there is still no concrete evidence that taking probiotic supplements can help in the same way, it will not harm you to try them as an alternative.