According to the American Pregnancy Association, a woman's fertility is not affected by her diet, and that there is no specific IVF diet recommend for women who undergo in vitro fertilization (IVF; read more about IVF pregnancy test here). Some studies, however, suggest that certain nutrients may affect fertility and help women conceive through IVF.

IVF Diet Guidelines to Increase Your Success Rate

1. Lots of Water

Traditional practitioners believe that water aids fertility, especially when taken at room temperature before drinking or eating anything else. Many women do not realize that they are dehydrated. Fertility experts recommend women to drink pure water. It is advised that at least 8 full glasses of water should be taken by women daily.

2. Fats

Experts recommend avoiding saturated fats, but eating unsaturated fats and fatty acids is good for your body. Unsaturated fats and fatty acids can help your body digest nutrients contained in the foods you eat.

3. Protein

Tyr to include protein in your IVF diet. Protein is important in producing the hormones and eggs, which are necessary for reproduction. Eat at least 60 grams of protein daily, preferably from fish, eggs, and low fat meats. If you are a vegetarian, increase your intake of nuts, legumes, and other sources of non-animal proteins.

4. Carbohydrates

Carbohydrates are often regarded as villains in the diet. However, taking healthy carbohydrates is necessary as a source of fuel for daily activities. Eat plenty of fruits, whole grains, and honey to help you obtain energy for love making even after a busy day.

5. Fresh Produce Food

A healthy diet must consist of fresh fruits, vegetables,nuts, seeds, and foods that are organically grown. Eating a wide variety of fresh, organic produce may help boost reproductive health.

6. Organic Food

Organic foods are free of chemicals, such as pesticides, which often act as endocrine disruptors. These substances have negative effects on your reproductive hormones, so it is advisable to buy organic foods whenever possible.

7. Zinc

Zinc is also essential in IVF diet. Women who are trying to conceive by IVF are advised to take at least 15 mg of zinc daily to improve reproductive health. Zinc helps regulate male and female hormone levels, so eat zinc-rich foods such as lean meat, nuts, beans, dairy products, potatoes, and whole grains.

8. Foods to Avoid

  • ŸExperts recommend avoiding soy products, which have estrogen-like qualities that may reduce fertility. However, you may take some fermented forms of soy such as tempeh or miso.
  • ŸDon't eat or drink anything that contains non-natural sugars and GMO foods. Instead of eating refined sugars, processed foods and beverages, try using honey, maple syrup, agave, or stevia.
  • ŸReduce your intake of caffeine, which is found in tea, coffee, cola, or chocolate. Limit caffeine consumption by taking just two cups of coffee or tea daily.  Caffeine also increases your risk of miscarriage and reduces the body's absorption of iron and calcium.
  • ŸAvoid alcohol, which acts as a diuretic that increases the excretion of fertility nutrients such as folic acid and zinc. It is also a toxic to eggs and sperms, as well as the babywhen you are pregnant.

9. Suggestions from Others

“I first tried to have a baby through IVF 4 years ago, but that resulted in bad quality embryos. I had a diet four months before the procedure that excluded alcohol, caffeine and soda. We thought that was enough, but it wasn't, and the doctor said we need better embryos. So, I also took royal jelly and bee pollen in honey while my husband used FertilAid. We also took vitamins C and E, plus omega-3. I really believe that these supplements worked because we made good embryos!”


More IVF dietary tips are shared in the following video: 

Other Natural Ways to Increase IVF Success Rate

In addition to the above IVF diet guidelines, you can also try some other natural ways to increase the IVF success rate. Here four effective ones you can have a try.

1. Detox

Getting rid of toxins in the body, which often come from cigarettes, pesticides, food preservatives, medications and synthetic hormones, can help improve fertility. A detox done at least three months before IVF treatments can help increase blood circulation to the uterus and allow shedding of the uterine lining from previous cycles.

2. Massage

A massage before starting IVF to boost fertilityinvolves deep-tissue manipulation on the area around the ovaries and uterus to increase blood circulation and promote hormone balance and egg health. It also unblocks fallopian tubes by clearing or loosening scar tissue. Find an experienced therapist with techniques on fertility massage, and just try it to increase your chances of success.

3. Acupuncture

Studies show that acupuncture significantly improves pregnancy rates of IVF because it helps reduce stress, strengthens the immune system, and regulates hormone balance. It can also increase blood flow to your uterus and reduce the side effects of the fertility drugs. Find a well-trained practitioner who has experience with acupuncture for infertility issues.

4. Meditation

Meditation is believed to have a positive effect on IVF, since the mind is related to the body. Deep breathing reduces stress and stimulates the circulatory system. There are some techniques that are suitable to the different processes involved in the IVF cycle. In addition, regular meditation may make your journey with IVF more peaceful and effective.