When a toddler has a stomach ache, it can be worrisome for both the child as well as the parent. Stomach pain can be caused by anxiety, an infection, or overeating. You can usually tell that your child is having stomach pains if her stomach is swollen or she keeps pulling her legs up to her chest.

Home Remedies for Stomachache in Children

A stomach ache is quite an unpleasant experience for the baby. Fortunately, there are a few home remedies for stomachache in children which will might be of great help to soothe your little one.

1. Yogurt

Give yogurt as a snack. Yogurt is a great neutralizer of stomach cramps and diarrhea. If your baby’s stomach ache is associated with diarrhea, then good bacteria which help to balance the nutrient intake in her stomach and intestines are constantly being lost. Yogurt contains bacterial cultures which are just as healthy and effective. The good bacteria from the yogurt will replace those lost from your child’s body. They will help to restore balance, allowing the body to take in nutrients rather than expelling it so frequently.

2. Soothing Foods

Give your child bland foods in small amounts during his stomach pain. These can include such things as yogurt, rice, applesauce and toast. He may not have much of an appetite. Avoid giving him greasy foods or anything that is too spicy as these tend to be hard to digest. These harsh foods are likely to irritate the lining of the gastrointestinal tract and result in vomiting or diarrhea. On the other hand, bland foods are much more soothing for the stomach and are easily digested. You should also scrap serving certain fruits and berries such as cherries, raspberries and apricots when your baby is having stomach pains. They can be difficult to digest when her little digestive system isn’t well. These should be pureed instead for children under four years old. Children older than four should be having one cup.

3. Chamomile Tea

A cup of chamomile tea can be effective in soothing stomach cramps. Chamomile is a natural sedative and anti-inflammatory. It will help to relax the muscles of the abdomen and ease cramping.

4. Honey

Honey is a smooth combination of antioxidants, sugars and carbohydrates. It is however not recommended for children younger than 1 year old because of the risk of botulism. You may either make some tea for your toddler using a small amount of honey with some warm water or give her a spoon of room-temperature honey.

5. Warm Compression

Warm compression is one of the simplest yet helpful home remedies for stomachache in children. Apply heat such as with a hot water bottle to your child’s abdomen. This will serve to increase the blood flow to the surface of the skin, simultaneously masking the feeling of pain in the stomach.

6. Outdoor Activities

One proven non-scientific way to help with any constipation related to stomach discomfort is to have your child go outdoors and get physical. Some effective activities include moderate running, walking, playing an active game. These actions help to stimulate the gastrointestinal tract. You should warn him about activities that may be too stressful on the stomach such as twisting or cartwheeling.

7. Foot Reflexology

Special techniques can be applied to several nerves in the feet and hands that will have a calming effect on particular areas of the body. This belief proposes that the stomach area coincides with the central arch of the left foot. You can help your child to relax by taking his left foot in the palm of your right hand and then while supporting the ball of his foot in your right hand, applying a steady pressure with your thumb.

8. Ginger

Ginger will naturally soothe stomach worries. It is effectively used for motion sickness and the nausea that accompanies pregnancy. Grate a small amount of ginger into some warm water and let it stand for a few minutes. Please note that ginger is not recommended for children younger than 2 years old.

9. Mint and Lemon

Mint and lemon are natural soothers which luckily are great for all ages. Mint will help to ease and quickly stop your toddler’s pain. Mint is also effective in removing harmful bacteria from the digestive system.

Lemon helps to combat constipation and is just as helpful in soothing stomach pain. Drinking a small amount of lemon juice every morning promotes greater production of bile which means a healthier digestive system. Consider making a tea with a few mint leaves and a slice of lemon to help ease the stomach ache.

You will find other helpful tips for dealing with your child’s stomach aches by watching this video:

When to See a Doctor

It is wise to contact your doctor when it is obvious that home remedies for stomachache fail and the pain is growing worse with time. If you notice any one or more of the following signs, you should get in touch with your doctor immediately:

  • Your child is hesitant to move or stand up straight
  • He will not allow you to touch his belly, even gently
  • Stomach pain accompanied by high fever
  • The presence of blood or pus in his stool
  • Vomiting of what appears to be yellow substances or even blood
  • A stiff swollen abdomen which sticks out more than usual
  • Pain during urination
  • The presence of pus or blood in urine